"We Can't Wait"
I'm channeling Michael Kelso when I say, "BURN! Hahahaha!"
Youtube is hosting an "Ask BHO day" (My name, not theirs). I set off a powder keg based on the speed and volume of votes to my questions. I wrote eleven, because that's better than ten. I go to eleven.
Some of these seem like duplicates but because of the character limit I had to ask them in the form of separate questions. But there's still eleven (11).
- Do you believe that the "Executive Order" is a valid and constitutional use of Presidential power? Why or Why not?
- Is the method in which congress writes laws in broad, vague language, only to have anonymous un-elected bureaucrats fill in the regulatory details under which all all Americans must live a valid and constitutional use of EXECUTIVE power?
- Is the method in which congress writes laws in broad, vague language, only to have anonymous un-elected bureaucrats fill in the regulatory details under which all all Americans must live a valid and constitutional use of CONGRESSIONAL power?
- You have said more than once that you believe we are all our brother's keeper. As well-meaning as that sounds, isn't it true that throughout history, many tyrannical governments have been founded on this very premise?
- You have said more than once that you believe we are all our brother's keeper. Is there not room in this country for people who do not have the same code of ethics as you? What of individual freedom? Pursuit of happiness? These are selfish values.
- You have said more than once that you believe we are all our brother's keeper. What of those who do not hold this belief, and think that we are all free to choose our own life path and live as individuals?
- Do you believe that your "Jobs Bill" will have any effect on the economy above and beyond the results, if any, that have been realized from the bailout or QE1 and QE2? In what way is this bill different than those?
- Based on the results of several economic policies such as Cash for Clunkers, your bailout, qualitative easing, your medical reform bill, and many many others, do you believe that Keynesian style economics is a policy that should be continued?
- Do you believe that the Iranian regime has been contained and discouraged sufficiently such that it will be deterred from attacking US intrests at home and abroad? How important do you think this issue is compared to other foreign policy questions?
- Do you believe that the student rebellion in Iran should be encouraged and supported as a genuine grassroots rebellion against tyranny? If so, how is the US doing this in such a way that our interests are protected at home?
This is fun!
- If you truly represent ALL Americans as you claim, why is it that you have recognized and even praised the Occupy Wall Street movement but have not addressed the Tea Party except in passing remarks even though they clearly have a larger following?