Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mountain Biking Casto Canyon UT

I got to go to ride some trails near Bryce Canyon last weekend with Paul and Crystal D. and their friend Dylan. This is an area that Paul had been to before but the only riding I've done in Utah is around Moab, so I knew a little what to expect but have never been in this area.

Of course I GPS'ed all the trails we hit and the map below shows all of them together. We did a total of about 30 miles in two hard days of riding plus one short run on the last day only 4 miles but a steep climb.

Day 1 - Casto-Losee Loop


Day2 - Thunder Mountain


Day 3 - The Cassidy Trail Debacle and the Bryce Canyon Hike

Bryce Hike

Big Al's Burgers, Kanab

The Fat Tire Menagerie. Yes, there were only four of us, but for the record I only brought ONE BIKE! I don't believe in going on a long camping trip and having more fresh bikes to ride than fresh underwear, unlike some people...Paul*cough*

A very dirty Ellsworth

The Obligatory Drop:

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