Monday, November 14, 2011

OWS vs. The Tea Party

Here's another roundup of OWS links, but this time it's focused on something more specific.

The Tea Party was supposed to be full of a bunch of violent gun toting rednecks.  OWS proves you don't have to own a gun in order to be dangerous,  And the Tea Party proves you can own a gun, carry a gun, and talk about how bad your government sucks and still be completely peaceful, even if you are surrounded by thousands just like you, and even though your huge group frightens a LOT of people.

And the simplest thing you can do is look at the arrest record of each movement.  I can't vouch for these numbers but based on the news, and I've been reading and watching voraciously, it seems accurate:

To be fair, there may have been ONE Tea Party related arrest.  If anyone knows of any others, I'd be glad to learn about it:  40alatariel at Live Journal

Imagine if these headlines really existed during the Tea Party Days: The Foundry: Over 2,400 Tea Partiers Arrested

Finally, there's this image, which shows the deeper, ideological divide, and only a few things in common (Click to enlarge):

It's interesting that, back in September and October, there were a lot of people drawing comparisons between these two things.  OWS seemed to be the left's answer to the Tea Party, and that made them so cool (to some people).  I knew better, but I didn't say anything.  Now, it's a different story.  I don't really read about people making the comparison in the greater medeia outlets.  They don't want to draw the comparison because it's not even fair.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Bunch of "Occupy" Links


Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street with a big sign saying: “I am the 1% Let’s talk”.
The man most vocal about the oncoming global financial crisis before it happened. Openly ridiculed from everyone in the MSM. He was right. Here he explains “Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One”.
Peter Schiff is basically the ballsiest guy out there, for going out into the Occupy crowd with a sign that says, "I am the 1%, Let's Talk." Here are three separate videos, not all from the same day, so I know he did this more than once.

Two The "Meme" guy is kind of dumb but I give him credit for the awesome skateboarding reference.
Three "I pay more taxes than all the protesters in the Park combined."

Schiff posted another video from the Schiff Report where he says, "they are occupying the wrong street!"

We are the 53% who actually pay taxes. I am a proud member, but a little disgruntled about it:

Down with Evil Corporations! and the revolution will be Facebooked (a publicly traded corporation).

OWS = The Flea Party

And Robert Tracinski wrote a good one, too. My favorite part is about the possibility OWS people switching to the Tea Party because of all the freeloading bums. You know, the REAL bums:
...street people were actively recruited by the Occupiers as a way of adding to their somewhat anemic numbers. But the naïve young hippies who make up the bulk of the movement are quickly discovering what the rest of us, with the benefit of actual life experience, already know about "the homeless."